阅读理解,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 Tomlikessports.Heistal

      Tom likes sports. He is tall and strong. Now his father and mother work in London. So he begins to study
there. He is a player in the school soccer team. He likes the game very much. And he plays soccer on weekends(周末). His grandmother lives in a small village (村庄). One day she came to see Tom. It was Saturday and she
didn't see him at home. So she went to look for (寻找) him in the school. She saw many boys catching only one
ball. The old woman asked Tom to go home with her.            
      " But grandma, I ......" " Don't play with them, my dear! " said the old woman, " I'm going  to buy a ball for
you! "
1. Tom is strong because              .
[     ]
A. He is tall                  
B. he is a student                    
C. he likes sports  
2. Tom lives                now.
[     ]
A. in a village                    
B. in London                             
C. with his grandmother
3. Tom                on Saturdays and Sundays.   
[     ]
A. play football               
B. plays soccer                        
C. does some homework
4.               , so the old woman didn't find him at home.
[     ]
A. Tom went shopping        
B. Tom left London                     
C. Tom was at school
5. The old woman didn't know how to play soccer, so she                 .
[     ]
A. watched the games for a long time.
B. didn't like it
C. wanted to buy Tom a ball

1-5  C  B  B  C  C


