阅读理解。 A PhotoLook at this photo. It is a photo of Mr G

                                                                       A Photo
      Look at this photo. It is a photo of Mr Green's family. Look at the woman. That's his wife. They
have two children, Henry and Helen.  Henry is a pupil.  He is interested in playing football, and he is
good at playing the flute. Helen can not walk. She is too young. She is not a pupil. They are from
单词快递:wife 妻子 interest 兴趣 flute 长笛 young 年轻 America 美国
1. How many children does Mr Green have?
    He has _____ children.        
A. two                  
B. three
2. What can you call Mr. Green's wife?
    We can call her _____.
A. Miss Green               
B. Mrs Green
3. Mr Green's daughter's name is _____.
A.  Helen Green               
B. Henry Green
4. Is Henry a pupil?      
A. Yes, he is.     
B. Yes, she is.
5. Where are they from? They      
A. America      
B. China

1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 5. A


