阅读短文,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 IamChenJie.Iliveinabigci

       I am Chen Jie. I live in a big city. Here's a map of our city. Look! There's a big park in front of our school.
There are a lot of trees, flowers and a long river in it. There are some food shops, flower shops and book shops
in it, too. On the right of it, there is a post office. On the left, here is a cinema. You can come here by the No. 1
or No. 5 bus. You can take the subway to come here, too. It's next to the park. There are many people playing
here every day.      
(     ) 1. Chen Jie's school is near the park.      
(     ) 2. We can buy shoes in the park.      
(     ) 3. The park is on the right of the post office.      
(     ) 4. There is a bus stop near the park.      
(     ) 5. Every day, there are many people swimming here.

1-5:  T F F T F


