读短文,选答案。Amy: Hi! Tom. We have a new classroom.Tom:

Amy: Hi! Tom. We have a new classroom.
Tom: Really? Let's go and have a look. Wow! It's big and nice.
Amy: Look! A new blackboard, four fans and six lights.
Tom: There is a new computer on the teacher's desk. How many students are there in your class?
Amy: Twenty.
Tom: Great! Where is your seat?
Amy: It's near the door.
1. Amy has a new________.
A. classroom   
B. computer room
2. Amy's classroom is big and_______.
A. nice         
B. small
3. In the classroom, there are________.
A. five fans   
B. six lights
4. A my seat is near______.
A. the blackboard
B. the door

1-4. A  A  B  B


