根据对话,判断正(T)误(F)。A: Lookatthemonkey.Itlookslikeama

A: Look at the monkey. It looks like a man. What is it doing?   
B: It's saying "Hello" to us, I think.      
A: Look there! A baby monkey is on the back of its mother, and the mother monkey is eating a banana.     
B: How interesting! Can I give my apple to the monkeys?         
A: No, I don't think so. Look at that. It says "Don't feed the animals!".   
B: Oh, I see.        
(     ) 1. The monkey is saying "Hello" to us.        
(     ) 2. The baby monkey is eating a banana.      
(     ) 3. The baby monkey is on the back of its mother.      
(     ) 4. I can give my apple to the monkeys.               
(     ) 5. "Don't feed the animals!" 意思是“请勿投喂动物!”

1. T   2. F   3. T   4. F   5. T


