阅读理解。TheRabbits'Race (速度,竞赛) Ablackrabbitandawhit

The Rabbits' Race (速度,竞赛)
      A black rabbit and a white rabbit met in the forest (森林).
      The black rabbit said, " I can run faster than you."
      The white rabbit said, " No, you can't. I can run faster than you."
      The black rabbit said, " Let's race to that tree."
      The white rabbit said, " No, let's race to the sea."
      Then they saw a fox.
      Both (二者,两者都) rabbits ran home as fast as (与……等同;同……一样) they could.
both    faster    race    met   
1. Who can finish the quickest (最快地)? Let's ____________!
2. I know her. We ____________ on a fishing trip last year.
3. My brother swims ____________ than my uncle.
4. She plays basketball and tennis. She plays ____________ sports.
5. Why did the rabbits want to race?
[     ]
A. To catch a train.
B. To make some smoke.
C. To take a trip.
D. To see who was faster.
6. In the end (最后), where did the rabbits race?
[     ]
A. To a shelf.
B. To a tree.
C. To their homes.
D. To the sea.
7. Who was faster?
[     ]
A. The black rabbit.
B. The white rabbit.
C. The fox.
D. The story does not say.

1. race  2. met  3. faster  4. both  5. D  6. C  7. D


