阅读理解。 MikeBlackisanEnglishboy. Heisastudent. Hestudie

      Mike Black is an English boy. He is a student. He studies in a middle school in China. He is fifteen now. His
father is Mr Black. He works in a doll factory (工厂) in China. He is forty. Mrs Black is Mike's mother. She is an
English teacher. She teaches in a school in China. She is thirty-five. Mary is Mike's sister. She is a student, too.
She is eleven. She is in a blue coat. Mike is in a red sweater.
      Mike studies very hard. He often gets up at seven. He goes to school at seven thirty. He is a good student.
1. The word " TEACH " here means (意思是) _____________.
[     ]
A. 上班
B. 教书
C. 待在
D. 学习
2. Mike _____________.
[     ]
A. studies in a middle school in China
B. studies in a school in England
C. is a teacher in a school in China
D. works in factory in China
3. Mike's father
[     ]
A. works in a factory in England
B. studies in a school
C. is a teacher in a school in China
D. works in a factory in China
4. How old is Mike's mother?
[     ]
A. Forty.
B. Thirty-five.
C. Fifteen.
D. Seven.
5. Which of the following is right?
[     ]
A. Mary is a teacher in a school.
B. Mike often goes to school at seven.
C. Mike's father is very old.
D. Mrs Black is an English teacher in a school.

1. B  2. A  3. D  4. B  5. D


