读短文,选答案。 Hi, I'm Sandy and I am a nurse. Every day

      Hi, I'm Sandy and I am a nurse. Every day I go to work at 7: 50 in the morning. I go home at about 5: 00 in
the afternoon. On Monday and Wednesday evening, I read books. On Thursday and Friday evening, I have
English class. Sometimes I watch TV. On the weekend, I often go shopping with my friends. On Sunday, I
usually play sports, but not this Sunday. Because the weather report says it's going to rain! So, I will listen to
music at home this Sunday.
1. Sandy is a _____________.
[     ]
A. nurse
B. doctor
2. She goes to work at _____________.
[     ]
A. 7: 50 a. m.
B. 5: 00 p. m.
3. When does she have English class?
[     ]
A. In the evening
B. In the morning
4. Does Sandy like sports?
[     ]
A. Yes, she does.
B. No, she doesn't.
5. This Sunday, Sandy is going to _____________.
[     ]
A. read books
B. listen to music

1. A  2. A  3. A  4. A  5. B


