阅读理解。Father: Billdon'tgotoschooltoday.Son:why?Father

Father: Bill don't go to school today.
Son: why?
Father: You have two younger brothers today. So I can't send you to school and you can help to look after your
Son: OK, I'd love to.
Father: Tomorrow you must tell your teacher about this.
Son: Dad, tomorrow I want to tell my teacher I have only one younger brother.
Father: Why?
Son: Because I don't want to go to school next Monday. I can tell my teacher about the other younger brother
       next Tuesday.
1. How many people are there in Bill's family?
[     ]
A. Three                              
B. Four
C. Five                                 
D. Six
2. Bill's younger brother are _________.
[     ]
A. tall                                   
B. girls              
C. one boy and one girl            
D. twins
3. Why may Bill stay at home today?
[     ]
A. He is ill.
B. His father is ill.
C. His brothers are ill.
D. His mother has twin sons.
4. Does Bill like to go to school very much?
[     ]
A. Yes, he does.
B. Yes, he likes.  
C. No, he doesn't.   
D. No, he doesn't like.
5. Bill is very clever, right?
[     ]
A. Yes, he is.
B. No, he isn't.
C. All right.
D. That's all right.

1. C  2. D  3. D  4. D  5. B


