Unit5 Our new home 试卷


班级___________ 姓名___________ 成绩__________  2013.11

听 力 部 分

(     )1.
A. book
B. clock
C. look
(     )2.
A. bathroom
B. bedroom
C. living room
(     )3.
A. bike
B. like
C. kite
(     )4.
A. children
B. chicken
C. kitchen
(     )5.
A. family
B. friend
C. fridge
(     )6.
A. would
B. where
C. what
(     )7.
A. come
B. car
C. colour
(     )8.
A. a hot dog
B. a hungry dog
C. have a dog
(     )9.
A. my cap
B. your cap
C. your cat
(     )10.
A. I’d like that sofa.
B. I like that sofa.
C. I like the sofa.

(     )1.
A. It’s in the bathroom.
B. He’s in the bathroom.
C. She’s in the bathroom.
(     )2.
A. Yes, please.
B. Yes, it is.
C. Yes, this is.
(     )3.
A. They’re on the sofa.
B. It’s in the desk.
C. It’s on the bed.
(     )4.
A. All right.
B. Thanks.
C. That’s OK.
(     )5.
A. It’s cute.
B. They’re cute.
C. They’re cute pandas.

(     )1.
The clock is in the kitchen.
(     )2.
The balls aren’t in the blue box.
(     )3.
Helen’s bedroom is nice and small.
(     )4.
Sam would like a hot dog.
(     )5.
My red skirt is on the sofa.

1. A: ________ my cap.
B: It’s in the ________ .
2. A: What’s in your new ________?
  B: There’s a living room and a big ________.
3. I like to ________ my bike near the ________.
4. A: How many ________ do you have in your home.
  B: I have ________.
5. A: Look at my ________.
  B: Oh, it’s big and ________.  

笔 试 部 分
a. 判断下列各组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的写T,不同的写F
(     )1.
(     )2.
(     )3.
(     )4.
(     )5.
(     )6.

b. 根据所给单词划线部分的发音规则,补全单词。
1. bedroom
classr _ _ m
w _ _ ld
2. table
_ _ ght
pl _ _
3. cap
clo _ _
_ oo _
4. fridge
_ eep
_ acket
5. bathroom
b _ sketball
c _ _

1. white(对应词)_____________________
2. living room(同义词)__________________
3. isn’t(完整形式)____________________
4. it(复数)___________________________
5. I’d like(完整形式)__________________
6. box(复数)_________________________
7. have(三单形式)____________________
8. your(对应词)_______________________
9. good(副词)________________________
10. happy(反义词)____________________

1. 在浴室里___________________________
2. 三间大卧室________________________
3. 五个漂亮的钟_______________________
4. 我的白色冰箱______________________
5. 在桌子下面_________________________
6. a hungry dog________________________
7. fly my kite___________________________
8. come and play_______________________
9. his new home________________________
10. a pineapple in the kitchen_____________

(     )1.
We have a ______ in the kitchen.

A. bed
B. sofa
C. fridge
(     )2.
Would you like ______ bread?

A. a
B. some
C. any
(     )3.
______ cap is on the bed, but ______ cap is under the bed.

A. My, you
B. You, my
C. My, your
(     )4.
---- Welcome ______ my new home.  ----Wow, how nice!

A. in
B. to
C. 不填
(     )5.
----I’m ______.    ---- Here’s some juice for you.

A. late
B. hungry
C. thirsty
(     )6.
----Do you like this ______ ?  ---- No, I don’t.

A. clock
B. clocks
C. o’clock
(     )7.
---- ______ my apples?   ----Look, over there.

A. Where’s
B. Where are
C. What are
(     )8.
---- Can Mike’s sister play football?   ---- Yes, ______ can.

A. I
B. he
C. she
(     )9.
----Look at the stickers on the table.   ----______.

A. It’s nice.
B. How nice!
C. I like it very much.  
(     )10.
----How old is your brother?    ---- He’s ______.

A. eleven year
B. eleven year old
C. eleven years old

1. ----Where are our ________ (沙发)? ----They’re in the living room.
2. My T-shirt is ________ (在......后面)the door.
3. ----Mum, I’d like to ________ the ________ (骑马).   ----All right.
4. ----What’s that in the kitchen?  ----It’s ________ (一个)ice cream.
5. Where ________(be) Yang Ling’s shirts?
6. ________ (we) new clock is in the bedroom.
7. Look, the birds in the tree are very ________ (love).
8. My father can play basketball so ________ (good.
9. I don’t eat ________ (some) apples in the evening.

1. The boys are in the classroom. (划线部分提问)
________ ________ the boys?
2. Is your pencil box on the table? (做否定回答)
No, ________ ________.
3. They have some English books. (改单数句子)
________ has ________ English book.
4. I’d like a toy panda. (划线部分提问)
________ ________ you like?
5. Your school bag is in my home. (改一般疑问句)  
Is ________ school bag in ________ home?

----Mum, ________ my jacket?
----Is ________ on your bed?
----No, it isn’t.
----Look, ________ on your chair.
----What about my shoes(鞋子)? Where are ________?
----They’re under the sofa.
----Oh, here they are. What ________ is it, Mum?
----It’s eight o’clock.
----I’m ________. Let’s hurry.
----OK. Let’s go now.

1. 我的外套在哪里?在沙发上。
----________ ________ coat?   ----It’s on the sofa.
2. 我的卧室既既干净又漂亮。
My bedroom is ________ and ________.
3. 你的牛奶在冰箱里。  
Your ________ ________ in the fridge.
4. 你饿吗?不,我不饿。  
----________ you ________? No, I’m not.  
5. 来些葡萄怎么样?  
________ ________ some grapes?


(      )1. There is bathroom in my home.
(      )2. There’s a clock in the living room.
(      )3. I have two sofas.
(      )4. There’s a crayon and a rubber on the floor.
(      )5. We can see a bird in the picture.

例:This is my new home. I have a living room, a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. There’s a sofa and a TV in the living room. There are two chairs and a bed in my bedroom. In the kitchen, there isn’t a clock, but there’s a big fridge. I like to eat ice creams there. This is my home. Do you like it?

1. clock


