Unit5 Seasons练习

译林 四下 Unit 5 基础练习
1.季节__________    2.春天__________  3.温暖的__________   4.放__________
5.风筝__________    6.夏天_________   7.热的_________      8.秋天__________
9.凉爽的_________   10.野餐________   11.冬天________      12.冷的___________
13.晴朗的_________   14.谁的_______
1.在春天__________________        2.放风筝_________________
3.去划船____________________        4.吃冰淇淋_________________________
5.去游泳__________________          6.去野餐______________________
7.去爬山___________________         8.堆雪人_______________________
9.去滑冰______________________      10.晴朗的一天______________________
(   )1. A.summer         B.spring         C.skating  
(   )2. A.warm           B.cold          C.fly
(   ) 3. A.go swimming    B. go skating    C. winter
(   ) 4. A.cool           B. is            C. are
(   ) 5. A.coat           B. jacket        C. cold
四. 选择填空并把单词翻译成汉语写在横线上。
(    ) 1. s__ __ son    A. ea      B.ae       C.eas          ________
(    )  2. pic__ ___   A. cin      B.nic      C.icn         _________
(    )  3. a __ t __ m__ A. u,u,n   B.u,u,m   C.u, m,n      ________
(    ) 4. T __ __ __ day A. sue     B.ues      C.hue       ___________
(    ) 5. sw__ __ __er A. eat       B.aet       C.ate       ___________
(    ) 1. We go swimming _______ seven in the park.
       A. in        B. at         C. on
(    ) 2. My brother _______ my book.
       A. have      B. having      C. has
(    ) 3. – When do you have picnics ?        – We have picnics _______ school.
       A. after      B. in        C. on
(    ) 4. – Can you _______ in summer ?        – Yes, I can.
       A. swimming     B. swim    C. swiming
(    ) 5. Here is a hamburger _______ you.
A. in      B. to     C. for
(    ) 6. Do you like winter ?
        A. Yes, I can.    B. Yes, I do.    C. Yes, it is.
(    ) 7. Let’s _______ on Saturday morning.
A. climb    B. go climb    C. going climbing
(    ) 8. I can _______ a snowman with a long nose.
A. making      B. go      C. make
(    ) 9. Are you _______ ?  I have a sandwich in my bag.
A. hot      B. cold     C. hungry
(    ) 10. – It’s a sunny day. – Let’s go to _______.
        A. the park       B. bed       C. swimming
六、搭配题。选择相应的答句, 将序号填在题前括号类。
(    ) 1. When do you fly kites?         A. We have picnics in the park.
(    ) 2. What a beautiful kite!          B. I go swimming.
(    ) 3. Who have picnics today ?       C. No, I can’t.
(    ) 4. Let’ s go and have picnics.      D. Liu Tao has picnics today.
(    ) 5. What do you do in summer ?    E. Yes, I do.
(    ) 6. Can you eat the ice cream ?     F. Thank you.
(    ) 7. Where do you have picnics ?    G.. It’s my car.
(    ) 8. Is it cold in winter ?           H. I fly kites in spring.
(    ) 9. Do you like summer ?          I. No, it isn’t.
(    ) 10. Whose car is it ?             J. Good idea!
1. park, have, Mike, in, and, Helen, picnics, the ( . )
2. winter, it, cold, is, in ( ? )
3. over, you, kites, see, the, there, can ( ? )
4. in, swimming, can, go, she, summer ( . )
5. your, can, brown, I, see, jacket ( . )
1. —— 这是你的风筝吗?   ——不,它不是。
—______ this your ______? No, it _____.
2. ——那是谁的书包?——那是我爸爸的。
—_______ bag is that?  —That’s my _____ bag.
3. 冬天天气是寒冷的。我们可以去堆雪人。
In _______, it is ______. We can make _______.
4. ——让我们去参加聚会吧。——好的。
——Let’s go to the ______.——All______.
5. 春天,天气是暖和的。In ______, it is ______.
九、阅读短文,判断对错,对的写“T” ,错的写“F”
     Hi, I’m Ling Ling. I like winter. It’s cold in winter. I can go skating in the park. I
make snowmen with my friends. Mike is my friend. He likes winter, too. David is my
Friend, too. But he doesn’t like winter. He likes summer. He can go swimming in the river.
(    ) 1. I like spring.
(    ) 2. Mike likes winter.
(    ) 3. I make snowmen in winter.
(    ) 4. David likes winter, too.
(    ) 5. David can go swimming in the lake.


