Unit6 Whose dress is this?练习

译林 四下 Unit 6  基础练习
1.连衣裙__________    2.太,过于__________ 3.裤子__________   4.聚会__________
5.手套__________    6.如此,这么_________  7.外衣_________      8.衬衫__________
9.牛仔裤_________   10.短裤________       11.错误的           12.移动__________
13.手___________    14.感到疼痛________
1.谁的连衣裙__________________      2.太短了_________________
3.我的连衣裙____________________    4.试试这条_________________________
5.你的裤子__________________        6.去参加聚会______________________
7.苏阳的手套___________________     8.这么大_______________________
9.我的堂兄弟的____________________  10.这么漂亮______________________
11.我想是。_______________________  12.你怎么了?____________________
1.谁的手套                                    2.太小                            
3.去派对                                    4.一件漂亮的毛衣                            
5.我表弟的衬衫                            6.试试这件                            
7.看我的外套                            8.两条牛仔裤                        
9. I think so_________________    10.What’s the matter___________________
(    ) 1. My mother’s jeans are too _______ for me.
       A. shorts        B. long         C. short
(    ) 2. –Whose dress is this ?
       A. It’s Su Yang.    B. They’re Su Yang’s.     C. It’s Su Yang’s.
(    ) 3. Look! The _______ are yellow.
       A. trousers      B. shoe       C. jean
(    ) 4. It’s a _______ day. Here’s your skirt.   
       A. cold       B. hot      C. sad
(    ) 5. I can see _______ over there. It can _______.
A. pigs, run     B. a pig, runs     C. a pig, run
(    ) 6. _______the boy under the tree ? He’s Tim.
        A. Who’s    B. Whose     C. Who are
(    ) 7. This dress _______ too long and these socks _______ too big.
A. are, is      B. is, are     C. is, is
(    ) 8. Helen is so hungry. She can _______ a big sandwich now.
A. eat      B. eats       C. eating
(    ) 9. Is this an _______ _______the tree ?  I think so.
A. apple, in      B. apples, on     C. apple, on
(    ) 10. What’s the matter ?  His hands _______.
        A. hurts      B. hurt      C. hurting
1. coats, some, over, I, see, there, can ( . )
2. evening, go, let, party, this, to, us, the ( . )
3. short, these, too, are, shorts ( . )
4. would, new, a, I, like, jacket ( . )
5. you, have, how, do, shirts, many ( ? )
(    ) 1. Who’s the girl in the bedroom ?     A. She’s too cold.
(    ) 2. What is this ?                    B. They’re Su Hai’s.
(    ) 3. Is this Mike’s pen ?               C. No, thank you.
(    ) 4. Do you like the match ?            D. It’s a black and white T-shirt.
(    ) 5. We all like English.                E. Yes, they are.
(    ) 6. Whose shoes are those ?            F. Yes, I do.
(    ) 7. Would you like some fish ?         G. She is my sister.
(    ) 8. What’s the matter ?                H. Me too.
(    ) 9. Are they your books ?              I. No, I can’t.
(    ) 10. Can you see the boat on the lake ?   J. No. You’re wrong.
A. Good idea!
B. It’s twelve o’clock.
C. Would you like some fish ?
D. What time is it now ?
E. Ok. Let’s go.
F. It’s time for lunch.
1. 这是杨玲的外套吗?是的,你猜对了。
   –Is this _______ coat ?  –Yes. You’re _______.
2. 这些是谁的球?它们是我弟弟的。
  –_______ _______ are these ?  –They are my brother’s.
3. 那个男人是谁? 他是我的爷爷。
   –_______ that man ?  –_______ my grandpa.
4. 你的手受伤了,怎么办?–Your hand_______.  –_______the matter ?
5. 我不会做蛋糕。再试一次。
–I can’t make_______. –_______ again.
   Hello. I’m Xu Wei. This is my sister, Xu Yi. And this is my brother, Xu Feng. This
is my bedroom. Look, that is my new dress on the bed. I like it very much. My shorts
are on the chair. My jeans are on the chair, too. That sweater isn’t my sweater. It’s my
sister’s. She’s Xu Yi. The sweater is beautiful. I’d like one.
(    )1. My name is _______.
       A. Xu Yi     B. Xu Wei     C. Xu Feng
(    )2. The dress is _______.
       A. Xu Yi’s     B. Xu Wei’s       C. Xu Feng’s
(    )3. The jeans are on the _______.
       A. desk       B. chair       C. table
(    )4. The sweater is _______.
       A. Xu Yi’s     B. Xu Wei’s       C. Xu Feng’s
(    )5. I’d like _______.
       A. a dress     B. shorts      C. a sweater


