Unit2 A new student 试卷 单元测试



一. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题1分,共10分)
(    )1.A. beside         B. between          C. before
(    )2.A. forest          B. front              C. from
(    )3.A.cold           B. hard               C. behind
(    )4.A. cake          B. come               C. cup
(    )5.A. coffee         B. tea                C. milk
(    )6.A. library         B. playground          C. classroom
(    )7.A. first           B. second             C. third
(    )8.A. how many      B. how far            C. how much
(    )9.A. cinema         B. dance             C. nice
(    )10.A. some          B. any              C. are
二. 听录音,选择合适的答句。(每小题2分,共10分)
(    )1.A. Thank you.       B. Not at all.        C. That’s all right.
(    )2.A. It’s on the table.   B. No, it isn’t.       C. They’re on the table.
(    )3.A. There is three.    B. There are 80.      C. It’s 80.
(    )4.A. Yes, there is.      B. No, there is.       C. Yes, there isn’t.
(    )5.A. There are 3.      B. Yes, there are.      C. Yes, there aren’t.
1.  Nancy Black is a new           .
2.  A: Can you         Tom around?
B:Yes,  Mr  Smith.
3.  A: Are there          rooms on the         floor?
B:        , there are.
4.  A:                  music rooms are there in the school?
B:        are        .
5. My classroom is on the           floor.
1.在第三层                    2.hungry and thirsty                        
2.在森林里                     4.just right                           
5. 在我的前面                  6.the second student                    
7.两间电脑室                   8.Some art rooms                     
9.太柔软                       10.behind the fridge                    
On   in   front   of   behind   in   between
1.There are many students         the class room
2.The cat is       the tree
3.I sit         Yang Ling and Nancy.
4.Liu Tao is short ,so he stands      me .
5.There is a map of China       the wall.
(  )1.       a smart boy!
A. How      B. Who      C. What
(  )2.       there any apples in the bag?
A. Are       B. Is        C. Have
(  )3.       Is popular in Western countries.
A. Tea       B. Water     C. Coffee
(  )4.There aren’t          books on the desk.
A. some      B. a         C. any
(  )5. There are        in the fridge.
A. a glass of milk   B. two glasses of milk    C. two glasses of milk
(  )6.The teachers’ office is on         floor.!
A. one            B. the second          C. second
(  )7.How many          are there in your house?
A. bathrooms       B. a bathroom         C. bathroom
(  )8.There         a pair of shoes under the bed.
A. is               B. are                C. am
(  )9.I can see some birds        the tree!
A. on             B. in                C. at
(  )10.Are there           computer rooms in your school?
A. some           B. any              C. a
1.There are some cakes in the fridge.(改为否定句)
  There                   cakes in the fridge.
2.Is there any milk in the glass?(作否定回答)
  No  there        .
3.There  aren’t  any computer rooms in school.(同义句转换)
  There                   computer rooms in school.
4.Mike  is  standing behind me.(同义句转换)
  I am standing                            Mike  .
5.There  are twenty trees in the garden.(对划线部分提问)
                     trees are there in the garden?
—          many         are there in your class?
— There          fifty.
         A          bed.
  There                   juice in the fridge.
—          there         trees in                the classroom?
— No, there          .
—          there         milk in your glass?
— Yes          some.
1.many , books, the, how, in, bag, there, are(?)

2. there, not, pen,  my,  pencil, in, case, is, a  (.)

3.water,  too, is,  the,  cold(.)

4. there, are, any on, wall, the, pictures(?)

5.classroom, the,  first,  my, on, is, floor(.)

Nancy’s house is big and beautiful. There are many rooms in it. There are five people in her family :her father ,mother ,grandfather ,grandmother and het .Look at Nancy’ s a desk. bedroom. There are two toy bears on the bed, Near the bed, there’ s a desk. On the desk, there are some books and a computer. Under the desk, there’s a cat. It’ s Mimi.
A. 阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F
(    )1.Nancy’ s house is small
(    )2.There are three people in Nancy’s family.
(    )3.There is no computer on the desk.
(    )4.There is a cat in Nancy’s bedroom.
(    )5.Nancy’s house is beautiful.
B. 阅读短文,回答问题。
1. Is there a cat in Nancy’s house?

2. Where is the cat?

3. What’s the cat’s name?

4. How many toy bears are there on the bed?

5. Are there any books in Nancy’s bedroom?

一. 听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(每小题1分,共10分)
1.between   2.forest   3.hard   4.cake  5.coffee  6.libray  7.third  8.how far  9.dance  10.any
   1.What a beautiful dress!  2.Where are the cakes?  3.How many classrooms are in our school?  4.Is there a music room?  5.Are there any pictures?
1.  Nancy Black is a new  student   .
2.  A: Can you  show  Tom around?
B:Yes,  Mr  Smith.
3.  A: Are there   any   rooms on the  second  floor?
B:  Yes  , there are.
4.  A: How      many  music rooms are there in the school?
B: There  are  nine  .
5. My classroom is on the  third  floor.
三.student     show     any        second    Yes   
How      many     There      third       nine  .
四.1.on the third floor   2.又饿又渴  3.in the forest  4.正好  5.in front of me  
6.第二个学生 7.two computer rooms 8.一些美术室9.too soft 10.在冰箱后面
五.1.in  2.behind  3.between  4.in front of  5.on
七.1.aren’t  any    2.isn’t   3.are  no   4.in  front of  5.How many
八.1.How  student  are            2.What  beautiful       3.isn’t  any  
4 Are  any  front  of  aren’t    5.Is  any  there’s
九.1.How many books are there in the bag?  2.There is not a pen in my pencil case.   3.The water is too cold.               4.Are there any pictures on the wall?  5.My  classroom  is  on the first floor.
十.A. FFFTT   
B.1.Yes, there is. 2.It’s under the desk. 3.Mimi.4.There are two. 5.Yes,there are.


