阅读理解。 SomestudentsareinHanMei'shouse.Theyaretalkingab

     Some students are in Han Mei's house. They are talking about many things. They are eating and
drinking something. Han Mei's mother is cooking for them. It's eleven o'clock. It's lunch time. They
are eating.  Han Mei says, " Help yourselves." Jim likes eggs. Kate likes rice. Lucy likes bread. Lily
doesn't like bread. She likes bananas. They are drinking ten bottles of orange. They are having a very
good time.
1. Who are in Han Mei's house?               
A. A student.   
B. Some students.   
C. Han Mei.   
D. Jim, Kate.   
2. They are drinking ten ____.                  
A. bottle of orange                     
B. bottles of orange                           
C. bottle of oranges                     
D. bottles of oranges     
3. ____ is cooking for them.                  
A. Han Mei                        
B. Some students              
C. Han Mei's mother               
D. Han Mei's father   
4. Lucy ____.              
A. likes rice                       
B. likes eggs               
C. likes bananas                  
D. likes bread         
5. When are they having lunch?     
A. At six   
B. At seven   
C. At twelve  
D. At eleven

1. B 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. D


