先阅读,再判断。 (对的写“T”,错的写“F”。) Mike has a busy da

先阅读,再判断。 (对的写“T”,错的写“F”。)
     Mike has a busy day. At 7 0'clock, he puts on his jeans and purple jacket. At 7:30, he goes
to school.  At 9: 00, he has an English class. At 10 0'clock, Mike reads books in the library.
At 12 0'clock, he has
lunch in the  canteen. At 3:15 p. m. he takes white shoes to P. E. class.
(     )1. Mike goes to school at 7 0'clock.
(     ) 2. Mike's jacket is green.
(     )3. Mike is in the library at 10:00.
(     )4. Mike has Iunch on the playground.
(     )5. Mike has an English class at 10:00.
(     )6. Mike has white shoes.

1. F   2. F   3. T   4. F   5. F   6. T


