
Read and choose. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。
Ann: Hello! Bob! What's this?   
Bob: It's a kite. It's windy today. I want to fly kites.   
Ann: It's so nice. Where do you go to fly kites?   
Bob: Ping'an Park. Where are you going, Ann?   
Ann: I go to the Ping'an Park, too. I want to play with my dog in the park.   
Bob: Would you like to fly kites with me?   
Ann: Great! Let's go together.
1. How's the weather today?
[     ]
A. Cloudy.        
B. Windy.         
C. Snowy.
2. Who has a kite?
[     ]
A. Bob.         
B. Ann.           
C. Kim.
3. What does Bob want to do?
[     ]
A. To read books.      
B. To play with a dog.   
C. To fly kites.
4. Where is Ann going?
[     ]
A. She is going home.        
B. She is going to the Ping'an Park.              
C. She is going to the gym.
5. Do Bob and Ann play together?
[     ]
A. Yes, they don't.   
B. No, they don't.      
C. Yes, they do.  

1-5   B A C B C  


