阅读理解。 Awomangoestoseeadoctor.Heisanewdoctor, andhe doe

      A woman goes to see a doctor. He is a new doctor, and he doesn't know her, so he asks some questions.
One of them is " How old are you? "            
      " Well," she answers," I don't remember, doctor. " She thinks for a minute (一会儿), then says, " I
remember now. When I was eighteen years old, my husband was thirty. Now my husband is sixty, I know
that is twice thirty. So I am twice eighteen, Now I am thirty-six."
1. — Why doesn't the doctor know the woman?  — Because he is _________.              
[     ]
A. not a doctor           
B. new              
C. too old
2. One of the doctor's questions is " __________ "
[     ]
A. Where do you live?
B. How old are you?
C. When do you get up every morning?
3. The woman is really (实际上) __________ years old.
[     ]
A. forty-eight              
B. eighteen           
C. sixty
4. How old was her husband when she was eighteen?
[     ]
A. Eighteen            
B. Thirty           
C. Sixty
5. The woman is ___________.
[     ]
A. clever (聪明的)              
B. old                          
C. silly (愚蠢的)

1. B  2. B  3. A  4. B  5. C


