阅读短文并选择正确答案。 It'sNewYear'seve (除夕). Bobandh

        It's New Year's eve (除夕). Bob and his classmates (同学们) are having a party in their classroom. Peter
is giving food and drinks to Mike and Tom. Sam is telling a funny story. Some boys are listening to him and they
are laughing. Bob is singing an English song. Jim is sitting on a chair in a corner (角落). He's watching and
smiling (微笑). They are all very happy at the party.
1. Who are having a party on New Year's eve?
[     ]
A. Bob and his classmates.         
B. Bob.                 
C. Bob and his family.
2. What is Peter giving to Mike and Tom?
[     ]
A. Food.                                   
B. Drinks.               
C. Food and drinks.
3. Who are listening to Sam?
[     ]
A. The teachers.                        
B. Some boys.                  
C. The girls.
4. —Where is Jim sitting?   —He's sitting on a              .
[     ]
A. bed                                    
B. desk                          
C. chair
5. Are they very happy at the party?
[     ]
A. Yes, they are.                       
B. No, they aren't.               
C. Yes, they can.

1-5: A  C  B  C  A


